Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Guatemala will tear up your heart at the same rate it will make you fall in love with it, a place so alluring and beautiful filled with people so gracious, warm and approachable that its hard to take in the immeasurable amount of poverty which is so prevalent.  

When skies turn to grey, don't let the dark blind the way. 

The mountains and volcanoes help to make a breathtaking view, the old Spanish colonial buildings which tower over you, and the bustling capital of Guatemala City are not the only things that stay with you, nor are they the only images you will return home with imprinted on your heart. 

Beneath the simplicity of life and serenity of landscape is the luscious chaos and beautiful mess which makes up the majority of Guatemala. 

Sure, you can learn all about what I am referring to if you browse the internet, but what if you experience it first hand? You will see it. You will know it. You will hear it. You will smell it.  You will feel it in you as you travel through each day. The begging and shouts of ‘one dollar’ from the kids who know how to say ‘no school today’ when you ask why they are out working, the eyes that meet and lock with yours that reveal a look into their past, the smiles which come across those faces which resonate from their hearts, sometimes the only thing they have to hold of their own. 

It was during those moments in June of 2014 which I vowed to myself and the country that I would return back to make a difference, (I wasn’t sure in what capacity, but have since found my purpose) and I have kept my promise and returned four times since. Oh goodness my oh my, how blessed and grateful I am that the Lord has kept this path lit with his love, guidance and protection, and has seen to it that my prayers come to fruition. Not just for me, but for our whole Guate family. 

Rain from Heaven wash over me and you. 

I am such a huge advocate of volunteering, but if done the correct way and for the right reasons. Not to throw shade on organizations out there, but we all aren’t naive to the fact organizations exist out there that do not have the best intentions at heart. Im not volunteering because it sounds good or it was something that was on my non-existent bucket list, those who know me know the bucket list thing is totally not me! :P Im doing it because it’s the first thing in life, besides accepting Christ as my savior and being with Jon, that feels right. Ok, so that makes it my third thing in life.  Something in me clicked that June, what I saw and felt affected me to the point that I never stopped thinking about it and I returned home knowing my calling in life was to be the hands and feet of the Lord in Guatemala. Each and every day I pray to be lead where my trust is without borders and for him to lead me. Not to only lead me, but to open my heart and hear him so i know where he is leading me. I have to remember he has never failed, and keep my focus on him, no matter how dark skies get sometimes. 

Love is night, and love is day. 

I have, unfortunately, been told by people that I can’t change the world. Well, not with that attitude silly! While I know I can’t change the whole world myself alone, I believe in the ripple effect. I know somewhere in the world I am inspiring someone, it may take a day, or five years, but I believe someone out there will become inspired and go on to help others in some way, whatever that flame in their heart be when it gets ignited. I will keep doing me , keep feeding the flames in my heart the word of God, stoking the furnace with prayer, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in me and in the process I know it will bring other flames closer to mine and those flames will spread and become so enormous and do such remarkable things that only God knows what will come of it.  

There's always beauty in the struggle. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Giving Gratefully

Its no secret that the United States generally has a bit more than it needs. Now I am not saying that everybody has a comfortable life here, there are a great number of under privileged people in desperate need of help and understanding, they exist in my own life, closer than you think. But for those who do have all we need, we are so used to our way of life that it is difficult to understand what living in real poverty in the rest of the world means. In some under developed nations, more than half the populations survive on an amount equivalent to U.S. $1 a day.

Lets paint a picture for you so you can understand more clearly. You wake up in a warm, clean bed, you mosey your way into a steaming hot shower with running water. Clean water. You put on your pressed outfit which was thoroughly planned out, make yourself some tea/coffee in a kitchen which is filled with conveniences to help you do this. Then you get into your car, or local transportation to get you to wherever you have to go. Sound about right?

Now imagine waking up on a muddy, cold floor. Your body is unprotected from the insects which inhabit your home. There is no running water or clean water for that matter to bath in, and you are wearing the same clothes which you have been in for days, if not weeks. There isn't much to eat, nor safe water to drink in your kitchen, which is lacking of the essentials you need. You then proceed for your very long walk to work, school or to get water.

Sure, that situation is not everywhere, but in parts of the world this is an everyday normal for people. Pretty unfair and unjust right? No human deserves to live in such conditions. Would you be able to use this 'sink' as your kitchen?

After my multiple travels to Guatemala, and witnessing these conditions, the smells and sounds, I still find myself in a constant battle...with myself. Why? Why do I still feel that internal struggle that is not unfamiliar. I make the decision to travel to Guatemala twice a year. I make every day sacrifices in my life in order to serve as the hands and feet of the Lord. No, I am not tooting my own horn, it truly is not the works of myself, it is the work of the Lord, and I am honored to be doing this. But why do I feel this feeling when I am faced with these harsh realities of the world? Why do I feel like I am not giving enough, or I could be giving more? As a compassionate 25 year old woman, with so much love for those who need it, why do I feel like I am standing there cloaked in my armor of privilege? Why do I still feel so much guilt?
My theory on this boils down to maybe it is because I am in a position where I am forced to acknowledge my own privileges. While I am grateful for my life, witnessing real poverty puts a whole lot into perspective. I am forced to acknowledge one of the very pertinent differences between myself (people with a similar life, or more privilege to me) and the less privileged. This difference exists simply because I was born under different circumstances. What if I were born in a developing country? that could be me, that could be you.

Here in the States, there are homeless. There are people begging. There are people who need assistance. But despite that, there is an un-mistakeable lack of poverty which is to the level of poverty in developing countries. Popultions in developing countries do not have assistance from their governments, or systems in place to help them. Their struggle to survive is on their own, or from people such as you and I who choose to give back. The differences can be categorized by '1st World "Poor" vs. '3rd World "Poor" if you are in a first world country, such as the U.S., you have the freedom to be financially stable, you have to remember you are capable, and you cant be too proud to utilize the assistance. I am not saying this means people should not help those who are in need in first world countries, I believe that you should follow your tug and help those whom your heart tells you to, whether they are in a first or third world country. No one deserves to go hungry, or not have safe shelter. I give back locally, and internationally, and internationally is where most of my volunteering efforts go, based on my own personal experiences. This can be a very controversial topic, and one that you will either agree or disagree on, and I am OK with that. it is all personal perspective, and one that I stand strong behind after experiencing such poverty first hand.

Not a day goes by where I do not think of or pray for those I have come across in Guatemala, and those whom I have yet to meet. The realities I have faced have molded me to become who I am and continue to shape me each and every day. I have accepted the fact that I will feel those feelings of guilt, for which reasons I have expressed above. And that is ok. I just have to not beat myself up over it. I have to remember that I am doing all that I can to help this global crisis. Each opportunity I have where I can give back, lend a helping hand, or give a smile to a needing heart, I am grateful. I am grateful because while I may not feel like I am doing enough, I am making a positive impact, no matter how small. Maybe I will teach someone how to not only take action to bring the change, but inspire others to join in on the journey to bring positive change to this world.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Life as a Sponsor

Individuals from all walks of life., from all over the world, laughing, singing, skipping around hearts and hands locked with children whom have parents that have failed them. This can be by physical/emotional abuse, neglect, or because the parents unfortunately don’t have the means to care for these children because living in extreme poverty has stripped them of their ability to do so. Often times in developing countries, parents work or daily duties can act as a roadblock between their children and a better future. Trying to keep one meal a day on the table for their family, and jobs with exhausting hours limit their ability to change the story for their own children.

Regardless the reason why these children have been placed into the orphanage, this is where we have been called to step up, step in, and help to our full potential. We become hope for the children with immeasurable potential and answers to prayer for the parents who are defeated. Together we help build beautiful strong relationships to help raise these children to be all the Lord has designed them to be.

Some of the relationships come as easy as a blink of an eye, while others take more time. That's because a childs mind is a delicate thing. Some of these children let go and show us their smiles, while others are hidden, a puzzle we want to decode. We desperately want to know what they are thinking, where that smile lives within them. Is it caused by the innocence of a childs mind colliding with the realities of the world they face? is it the need to feel wanted and loved?

But then something amazing happens. We see evidence of the Lord shining bright in the darkest eyes. The language of love is spoken. Nothing else matters right now, but this moment. Alejandras laughter marks every airwave that surrounds them. When genuine love is felt by these children, they are able to let down their walls and embrace who they are on the inside, a child whose love is so unconditional, all they want in return is just that.

Sponsoring a child is more than just financially helping them. It is not a handout, its more like a hand up. In order for children to experience life in its fullest, as they should, they need access to all of lifes essentials; and we help to provide that. In addition, we fill their needs, their MOST felt needs. Every child deserves to have someone love them in the simplest most purist form.

With the Lord guiding us, we as sponsors do our best to instill in the children the power of:

'but the greatest of these is love' When these children learn they are not only sponsored by someone who hasn't met them yet, but loved by them as well, may be one of the first miracles they experience in life.

Nothing is too small to celebrate. We embrace everything and anything with every fiber in our being. We will not let wounds define who these children are, God knows exactly where they are, and his plans for them are much bigger than we could ever imagine!

We help to show these children that they may live in poverty, but poverty does not live in them and they will have the life they deserve.

Laughter cleanses the soul of pain and suffering, in the moment nothing else matters but the joy and happiness heard in their giggles. It truly is one of the best medicines.


Hold on, Pain ends. Hope is the lifter of heads, and slayer of discouragement. It floods out of every card, hug and word spoken to these children from their sponsors. It helps them develop aspirations and dreams in their hearts, with the confidence that they WILL achieve these one day.

We may be apart in distance, but never in heart.

All bonds are built on trust.  Nothing is more important than the trust and love that you show them.

Sponsorship is so rich in mercy. It's by Gods grace and mercy that we can bring these children new life and begin to break the cycle they are in. 

Whether you choose to sponsor a child domestically, or internationally, you will never be the same, and more importantly, that child will never be the same. It has been such a rich and meaningful journey to be in their lives in such a big way. And that is what sponsorship says to me, being involved, investing yourself in someones life and remembering that the Lord has a purpose for each and every one of us. It is truly a blessing to be able to mutually connect your heart with a child who is so deserving of love and happiness. Through my personal journey of sponsorship, they have taught me many life lessons which I am forever grateful for.  They have showed me what it feels like to be needed and wanted for unconditional tender loving care. They have taught me to be selfless, and be the hands and feet of the Lord, which has lead me to pray every day for my spirit to lead me where my trust is without borders. People tell me, 'great job, you have such a big heart, you are so strong' The truth is, I am not doing anything that spectacular , I don't have that big of a heart, and I am really not that strong. I am just doing what the Lord has called me to do, and I couldn't be more thrilled to know my purpose in life. How many people can honestly say that at 25? I need to say thank you to you, Val, for I know why the Lord placed you in my life. He is working through you every single day, and because of that, is how I found my purpose.
If you feel a tug in your heart to sponsor a child, I ask that you please take the time to pray about it. Ask whoever you need to ask about any feelings or questions you may have. Always remember, you are not supporting just that organization, but you are supporting every smile, heart & soul, and face that they support. Sponsoring our honeys at our hogar has opened up a door for Jon and I which we never knew we had. When Guatemala opens adoptions again (praying every day it will be in 2016) we will be adopting, and we couldn't be any more stoked about that chapter in our life coming to fruition.
This life is not our own, and sponsoring a child invests in the bigger picture and will create a ripple effect. The heart is what is behind it all, and that is what matters most. Yes, there is always work to be done, but with everyones help that work will pass through a fire. 


Friday, March 20, 2015

What Guatemala taught me

1. Compassion is a universal language.

2. The sun will rise and we will all try again.

3. Sometimes crying makes you feel better, sometimes it just makes you want to cry more.

4. There are people who would love to have your bad days.

5. Some things are meant to be let into our minds, others are meant to be let into our hearts.

6. Poverty is not made by God, its made by you and I when we don't share what we have.

7. Family doesn't mean you have known them your whole life, it can mean seeing them only twice a year, but it doesn't diminish its worth.

8. Other people make our lives worth living, which means we make their lives worth living too.

9. Play is for all ages.  

10. Role models can't do anything better than us, but they motivate us to find the better within ourselves.

11. Never miss a chance to dance, its like dreaming with your feet. 

12. Tears are prayers too; they speak to God when we can't.

13. Getting lost in an unfamiliar place is one of the most pleasant sensations. 

14. You don't have to explain your dreams, they belong to YOU.

15. Do it or don't. So many things in life are that easy.

16. Being happy is a very personal thing, which you must find within yourself.

17. There are people who have almost nothing, who still manage to smile, because they have eachother.

18. The world doesn't come with a remote, you have to get up and change it together. 


19. Its so easy to say hello, but saying goodbye is one of the most difficult things for the heart. Even when it's not goodbye forever.

20. Team work really does make the dream work.

21. Above all else,  you have to let go and let God.