Friday, March 20, 2015

What Guatemala taught me

1. Compassion is a universal language.

2. The sun will rise and we will all try again.

3. Sometimes crying makes you feel better, sometimes it just makes you want to cry more.

4. There are people who would love to have your bad days.

5. Some things are meant to be let into our minds, others are meant to be let into our hearts.

6. Poverty is not made by God, its made by you and I when we don't share what we have.

7. Family doesn't mean you have known them your whole life, it can mean seeing them only twice a year, but it doesn't diminish its worth.

8. Other people make our lives worth living, which means we make their lives worth living too.

9. Play is for all ages.  

10. Role models can't do anything better than us, but they motivate us to find the better within ourselves.

11. Never miss a chance to dance, its like dreaming with your feet. 

12. Tears are prayers too; they speak to God when we can't.

13. Getting lost in an unfamiliar place is one of the most pleasant sensations. 

14. You don't have to explain your dreams, they belong to YOU.

15. Do it or don't. So many things in life are that easy.

16. Being happy is a very personal thing, which you must find within yourself.

17. There are people who have almost nothing, who still manage to smile, because they have eachother.

18. The world doesn't come with a remote, you have to get up and change it together. 


19. Its so easy to say hello, but saying goodbye is one of the most difficult things for the heart. Even when it's not goodbye forever.

20. Team work really does make the dream work.

21. Above all else,  you have to let go and let God.